2019-02-23_yosemite_DSC7253-Edit-6 | photo by jake landon schwartz

Inside The Dragon's Mouth

While the view in the complete opposite direction at Tunnel View is regarded as one of the best in Yosemite National Park and perhaps all of the parks in the US, on this particular night, the view into the tunnel was what my friend Jay and I gravitated to more. The existence of all the snow and icicles created such an intense inhabitable feeling. That along the contrast created by the warm orange hue of the lights and the cool snow and dark sky presented a scene we bad a blast shooting.


This particular image is a two shot composite. I took one shot for Jay and the foreground (ISO 800, 24mm, f/5, 3.2s) and one to expose the stars to my liking (ISO 800, 24mm, f/8, 15s).